saying goodbye to summer & welcoming fall!

We really enjoyed summer in our new home. Well, we especially enjoyed all that summer had to offer around here! We are taking the boat out one more time to go camping at Oroville Lake this weekend, but that will definitely be the last voyage for 2016. Enjoy a few pictures of my own from August around here.

But alas, fall is here, and I for one have open arms. My body craves the changing of the seasons. Fall said hello this morning with 45 degree temperatures while we waited for the garbage truck, and as I held my warm coconut coffee and pinned Christmas inspiration, there was a deep sense of calm in my world. We will sing some fall songs today, make pumpkin bread, light some candles and make our intentions known for the upcoming season. If we were still in Virginia, we would take a drive just to look at fall colors, but a visit to Apple Hill next week with our homeschool group is just as good!

